10 February 2024

angry child

ADHD or Just Naughty?

Have you ever witnessed a whirlwind of energy in the form of a child at the supermarket darting around and accidentally causing chaos while their parent trails behind in a state of apologetic exhaustion? Or perhaps you’ve observed a student in the classroom who seems incapable of staying still, their hands constantly moving, their voice

ADHD or Just Naughty? Read More »


The World of Twice-Exceptional Kids: Bright Minds, Unique Challenges

In the colourful tapestry of childhood, twice-exceptional children are like rare gems that sparkle with unusual brilliance. These kids can effortlessly unravel the mysteries of the universe, code a new computer game, or create a masterpiece with their vivid imagination. Yet, they might need help reading a book, following a routine, or finding social interactions

The World of Twice-Exceptional Kids: Bright Minds, Unique Challenges Read More »